invisible house

Once  upon a time there was a group of aitu (Samoan word for ghosts).  They were looking  for a house.  But all 12 of their pets were worried.  Because humans were coming  they still haven’t found  a house.  They asked the animals in the woods but they said that there is a giant secret invisible house in the woods.  There was a man that was looking for them, he heard them all run from him but he didn’t know that the aitu found the secret Invisible House. But then the human saw them.  Then they started to run because they were looking for a nice place to hide while they’re waiting for the human to go but the human keep staying around them so they didn’t have a place to go so they stay there for the night then the human left and then they went to look for The Invisible House that they saw but.   Then they lost it again. But  the  animals in the woods were telling them where to go but Some of the animals were telling them the wrong ways to go. Some of the good animals came to tell them that they’re telling Lies the good animals were telling them the right Way To go  2 Hours Later they Found the place. It’s been a very long time since they were tired and hungry when they opened the door to go in. There was so much food and there was beds but they fell in tricks before But then some bad aitu Came and started bullying the nice aitu And then the bad aitu Turned nice.                                                                                                                                                               

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